Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

GDPR, or the General Data Protection Regulation, is a regulation established by the European Union (EU) and adopted by the UK Government. It extends its reach globally, applying to any organisation processing data about UK citizens, regardless of their location.

For patients, GDPR signifies a fundamental change in data handling practices. Explicit consent is now required from patients for the use of their data. This is aimed at safeguarding individuals’ privacy rights, and we may seek your consent for specific actions, such as recording certain information in your clinical records. Importantly, individuals retain the right to withdraw consent at any time.

Under GDPR, data processing must adhere to key principles:
– Lawful, fair, and transparent processing
– Collection for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes
– Limitation to what is necessary for the intended purposes
– Accuracy and regular updating of information
– Secure storage of data

Furthermore, data may only be retained for as long as necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

Patients also benefit from enhanced rights concerning their data held by practices/organisations, including:
– Being informed about how their data is used
– Access to their data
– The ability to request corrections to inaccurate information
– The option to restrict how their data is utilised
– The ability to transfer their data from one health organisation to another
– The right to object to certain information-processing activities

These measures ensure greater transparency, control, and protection over patients’ personal data in healthcare settings.